Project description
UX and UI design of mobile application.
RestoApp – mobile application to search for a restaurant and making reservation.
This app helps user to find restaurant with desired parameters (location, category, amount of people, date/time) and make reservation. Also it provides ability to manage reservations, add restaurant to favorite, leave feedback, view restaurants special offers etc.
User research
First of all we conducted small user research to see what users expect from such apps and what problems do they have using similar applications.
As a result we decided to make design that will make search process easy, login needed only for reservation and focus on clear easy interactions but reach in beautiful and modern graphics.
Also we made some User Flow diagarms and discused them with whole team.
Next step is wireframing.
Here are some screens from wireframing process, for main user flow – searching and reservation of restaurant.
Menu items (Site map)
The navigation structure of the app was made.
Screenshots and explanation of prototype
On the next stage prototype with key usability was made. At this stage all graphics work was done and the prototype ready for usability test was prepared.
Below you can see key screens and features of this application.