Professional Catalog [Website with Java Backend]

Resume composition and personnel search service.

The service provides:

For applicants:
– create resume using provided template;
– specify and edit: personal information, contacts, specify desired position, skills, education, courses, certificates, languages, work experience, information about themselves, favorite hobbies;
– Provide a link to view created resume.

For employers:
– Search for potential employees by key data;
– View users’ resumes.

Stack of used technologies:

Web: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax

Java: Spring IoC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate-Validators
Spring Data + MongoDB
Spring Data Elasticsearch, Sitemesh
Quartz, Facebook API, Google reCAPTCHA API
Servers: Tomcat, Nginx

Hosting: AWS

Demo link:


Sign in screen:



View resume screen:


Some edit resume screens:


